英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:04:36
  • 网络解释

1. 铺满,遍布:be patterned on 以...为模式 | be paved with 铺满,遍布 | be preferable to 比...更好

2. (路面等)以铺成:be patient with || 对有耐心 | be paved with || (路面等)以铺成 | be pax with || 与交朋友

The way for Mancini could be paved by the fact that the player has the same agent as Pato and Emerson and is therefore in good terms with the Rossoneri.(小曼奇尼的引进有以下事实作为铺设:他的经纪人和帕托、埃莫森的经纪人是同一个人,所以红黑军团占优。)
Finally to adapt an expression with which you're probably familiar I'll conclude simply by saying that the road to reality is paved with your intentions be they good or bad.(最后我想对大家所熟知的一句表达作以修改,一句表达作以修改,我想简单地总结说,通向现实的路是用你的意图铺成的,不管是好是坏。)
Behind each successful man, there must be a thorny road, paved with sweat and even blood.(每一个成功人的背后,都有一个充满荆棘的道路,它铺满了汗水甚至鲜血。)
Your road to success may be paved with a few setbacks that you must learn to handle and overcome.(你走向成功的道路可能布满着挫折,你必须学着处理跟克服它们。)
You can be your own ant there. The streets are paved. with food.(街上铺满了食物,没有人命令你做这个或做那个。)
Today our way will be paved with the skulls of enemies.(今天我们的道路将以骷髅铺设。)
Because the streets were paved with smooth bricks, the usual steel horseshoes proved to be too "slick" and the horses were all re-shod with rubber horseshoes.(但是由于他们要走的路都是用比较光滑的砖铺设的,普通金属马掌太滑了,根本抓不住地,所以,所有马的马掌都需要重新换上橡胶马掌。)
The airwaves will instead be paved with a new generation of wireless broadband.(一种新一代的无线宽带,将取代它来让无线电波无处不在。)
River sand shall be paved with the progress of bricklaying and extensive paving in advance is forbidden.(河砂滑动层在砌筑时,要随砌随铺,禁止大面积预先铺放。)
PAVED it may be with good intentions, but there are many twists and pot-holes along the road to a nuclear-free world.(奥巴马积极着手营造一个无核化的世界,这一美好夙愿让许多不轨之徒蠢蠢欲动,他们借机打起核武的擦边球。)
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